Healthcare Regulatory Compliant
Enterprise Gateway
Turnkey Solution
for Affordable Care Act
Connectivity &
EHR Meaningful Use
Stage 2 Compliant
Connectivity &
Highly Secure, Robust,
Scalable and Maintainable
BNETAL: Trusted Advisors on
National Health IT
and Security Projects
Customer Focused
Responsive Service
Hands on Approach to
Solving Challenges
Satisfied Customers,
Repeat Business
SureDeliver® Frequently Asked Questions

How does SureDeliver help with ACA Section 1104 connectivity compliance?
SureDeliver® meets and exceeds the connectivity and security requirements in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Section 1104 regulations. SureDeliver® has a turn-key, secure and robust implementation of the CAQH CORE Connectivity Operating Rules, which are mandated for Health Plans and State Medicaids for compliance with ACA Section 1104. It is supported by industry leaders in CAQH CORE Connectivity expertise, who also have decades of experience in implementing and supporting nationwide networks such as CDC PHIN. For more information on the technical challenges in implementing the connectivity requirements and how SureDeliver® can help lower your risks and reduce your implementation time, please contact us at to request our white paper.
Does SureDeliver perform HIPAA EDI (X12) data processing?
HIPAA EDI (X12) data processing is addressed by a separate product, BNETAL SureEDI™,
which can be installed on a stand-alone basis or as an add-on to SureDeliver. SureEDI has turnkey integration with SureDeliver.
SureDeliver® provides interoperability, connectivity and security at the transport and message
envelope and authentication layers. SureEDI provides EDI mapping, validation and processing (adjudication) of the X12 data content.
Between SureDeliver and SureEDI, BNETAL provides end-to-end processing support for EDI transactions.
How does SureDeliver help in Healthcare?

SureDeliver supports Public Health Reporting in a CDC PHIN compliant manner. By implementing multiple types of open standards such as SMIME, SOAP+WSDL, HTTP+MIME, Web-Services Reliable Messaging, SureDeliver can support various data transfer workflows that are needed by Health Information Exchanges. Due to its high degree of security, it is ideal for use in Healthcare where information transferred can be sensitive.
How does SureDeliver help in Healthcare Regulatory Compliance?

How does SureDeliver help with Healthcare Eligibility/Benefits transactions?
SureDeliver implements the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH)'s CORE Phase II Connectivity and
Security Rule. This rule is based on the use of SOAP+WSDL
or HTTP+MIME envelopes for Real-time and Batch transactions
between Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Payers. By providing
out-of-the-box support for CORE Phase II Connectivity Rule,
SureDeliver supports
healthcare eligibility and benefits transactions.How does SureDeliver help with Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN)?

How does SureDeliver help with Public Health Reporting?
SureDeliver implements the CDC PHIN compliant interfaces, hence it can
be used to send secure and reliable messages to public health
entities across the US that have CDC's PHIN Messaging System.
By providing strong security (2-way SSL/TLS and XML Encryption
for data), secures sensitive healthcare related information in transit across
the public Internet.How does SureDeliver help with Financial Data Reporting?

How is SureDeliver different from File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?
FTP is a file transfer protocol that can be used for sending/receiving
files. However it does not provide security (e.g., encryption
and two-way authentication) or reliability (e.g., once and
only once delivery) features. Also, FTP is primarily intended
for manual uploads/downloads of data. SureDeliver
is intended for automated, encrypted, authenticated, and
reliable file transfers.How is SureDeliver different from Email?

How is SureDeliver different from Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions?
VPN solutions are typically used to provide encrypted channels
over public networks for the purpose of supporting user
sessions over such channels. VPN solutions are typically
not geared towards automated B2B file transfers across public
networks. In addition to providing high degree of security
for data exchanges (above and beyond what is normally provided with a VPN connection), SureDeliver provides a rich feature set to automate, route/triage and proactively manage the data exchanges. The out-of-the-box support for several interoperability standards in SureDeliver ensures easy data exchange setup with other products that implement those interoperability standards.What hardware and software is needed to run SureDeliver?

Does SureDeliver need to be monitored by someone constantly?
No. SureDeliver
automatically retries and re-schedules message delivery
based on conditions of your network connectivity. It has
extensive alerting and reporting capabilities built-in,
hence it reduces the need for manual inspection. A weekly
review of message inbound or outbound queues is recommended
in case of long lasting or other unrecoverable network connectivity
failures. Can the SureDeliver system be administered remotely over a network?

How long does it take to setup SureDeliver?
Basic installation and setup of SureDeliver
can be done within 30 minutes. SureDeliver has graphical
support for installation and configuration that makes this
simple. For setting up SureDeliver such that secure messaging
can be conducted over the Internet, firewalls/DMZs need
to be setup, certificates need to be installed etc., which
could take time depending on the organization that is installing
these components. There are several options for integration of SureDeliver with applications with varying levels of ease of integration and associated flexibility. Depending on the requirement for application integration, and the level of coupling between the application and SureDeliver, integration time will vary.
We use Secure FTP for our file transfers. How would SureDeliver work with this?
SureDeliver has a robust implementation of Secure FTP (SFTP) in addition to the other interoperability
and security standards that it supports, hence you can use SureDeliver's SFTP to benefit from the uniform
management interface for both types of transport (i.e., the newer regulatory compliant connectivity
and legacy). When used for turn-key regulatory compliance, you can use SureDeliver as a parallel gateway to your
current file transfer methods like SFTP. In this case, your clients can continue to use SFTP for
exchanging files with you, and use SureDeliver for some transactions for which SFTP is not required
or for transactions where SFTP is not a good fit (e.g., for real time transactions).
How can we learn more about SureDeliver including pricing information, custom applications, etc?
Be sure to include your name, company name, title and contact