
SureDeliver® is a robust and secure gateway that supports most Healthcare IT data exchange standards for interoperability and regulatory compliance. Built by industry veterans with operational and security experience from decades of secure messaging in national projects such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Public Health Information Network, the HHS' Nationwide Health Information network, SureDeliver® highly simplifies the security and robustness of healthcare data exchange so you can focus on your core business.

SureDeliver® has been deployed for Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) delivery from health plans to healthcare providers in support of secure and regulatory compliance with Affordable Care Act's connectivity and security requirements.

Key Features
The following is only a listing of key features. For more information on SureDeliver®, or to schedule a product demonstration, please email BNETAL at
SureDeliver® has turn-key implementations of CAQH CORE Connectivity and Security Operating Rules, for compliance with the Connectivity and Security technical requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA Section 1104), which has been mandated for HIPAA covered entities including health plans and clearinghouses.
SureDeliver® gracefully handles network failures, both short-term and long-term. SureDeliver® has built-in smart queuing and error handling techniques that significantly reduce risks and burdens associated with inter-organizational information transport.
SureDeliver® supports data-flows between applications across different domains or organizations using public Internet, in a secure manner such that the security burden isremoved from the data sharing applications. (*)
Easy to Install
SureDeliver®  can be installed on Windows and UNIX systems using an easy to use Install Wizard. It works with most commercial databases!
Easy to Use
  • Plug-and-play. Comes with intuitive install wizard for Windows, Solaris and Linux
  • Browser based GUI interface to configure / view system from a remote site on the network.
  • Includes a built-in router for sending to intended destinations within the organization.
SureDeliver® has a built-in queue viewer to easily track messages, both sent/ received, and their status. SureDeliver® queue viewer is web-based. So, Administrators can log-in remotely. Supports centralized authentication using SAML 2.0 Assertion based Identity Provider.
SureDeliver® can be easily interfaced with integration brokers to connect to data sources and destinations. Applications can use database tables, MSMQ, JMS queues, Web-Services, file system folders, or Java APIs to interface with SureDeliver
SureDeliver® has a highly scalable architecture, based on decades of experience in supporting highly critical and scalable messaging applications and systems for national level organizations.

  • Enables Health-Insurance administrative transactions (using turn-key CAQH CORE Phase II, III and IV Connectivity Rule implementations).
  • Enables Clinical data exchange using Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN) Direct and Exchange based data transport.
  • Enables Public Health reporting (using CDC PHIN standards compliance).
  • Enables Retail and Supply chain industry transactions with its robust implementation of AS2.
  • Enables protocol translations between industry standards, allowing SureDeliver to act as a gateway that can accept messages using one industry standard/profile and route using another standard/profile.
  • Based on open standards (Supports Web-Services Reliable Messaging and ebXML, SOAP, MTOM, HTTP+MIME, S/MIME, JMS, JDBC/ODBC).
  • Supports existing customer base with its robust implementation of Secure FTP (SFTP).
EDI Support

  • SureDeliver is designed for easy integration with business level processing software including EDI software.
  • BNETAL software SureEDI provides powerful EDI mapping, validation and adjudication.
  • SureDeliver has turnkey integration with BNETAL SureEDI. EDI transactions transported using SureDeliver can be processed using SureEDI.

(*) Certain export-controlled features are not included in the exportable version of this product.
SureDeliver® is a trademarked product of Business Networks International Inc with headquarters in Atlanta GA, recognized for expertise in network security and secure and reliable messaging across the Internet.
Additional Information

To learn more about SureDeliver, contact