Healthcare Regulatory Compliant
Enterprise Gateway

Turnkey Solution
for Affordable Care Act
Connectivity &

EHR Meaningful Use
Stage 2 Compliant
Connectivity &

Highly Secure, Robust,
Scalable and Maintainable

BNETAL: Trusted Advisors on
National Health IT
and Security Projects

Customer Focused
Responsive Service

Hands on Approach to
Solving Challenges

Satisfied Customers,
Repeat Business

SureDeliver® Healthcare Business Specific Examples

SureDeliver® has robust and secure implementation of many healthcare standards for operational robustness, regulatory compliance, interoperability, connectivity and security. Healthcare organizations use SureDeliver® to support their data exchange needs, some of which are described below.

Scenario Ref#

Healthcare Business Need

SureDeliver® Solution


HIPAA covered entity (e.g., Health Plan, Clearinghouse or other Value Added Service Provider, State Medicaid) has a need for CAQH CORE Connectivity Rule compliant solution, towards ACA Section 1104 regulatory compliance with the Operating Rule set requirement.   

SureDeliver has an out-of-the-box mature, highly robust and secure implementation of CAQH CORE Connectivity Rules (Phase I & II that are mandated by Affordable Care Act for Eligibility, Claim Status transactions, Phase III for ERA transactions, and the new Phase IV for Claims and other transactions).

For EDI data content processing, BNETAL offers SureEDI, which works well with BNETAL SureDeliver. SureEDI empowers the business EDI user to create powerful EDI mapping, validation and processing (adjudication) components dynamically using an intuitive GUI.


EDI Vendor needs an enterprise grade solution and a turnkey ACA compliant connectivity and security gateway to augment its EDI offerings.

SureDeliver is enterprise grade, robust and secure. It is designed for easy integration with EDI vendor products, and offers a turnkey ACA compliant connectivity and security interface to your trading partners. Easy management of security, trading partner connections and messages, including reports, diagnostics and business intelligence makes for a strong platform that you can use to augment your offerings.


Practice Management System (PMS) Vendor needs an enterprise grade solution and a turnkey ACA compliant connectivity and security gateway for conducting ACA compliant transactions with trading partners.

SureDeliver provides a secure and robust backend gateway that can be used by PMS vendors for supporting ACA compliant connections with your trading partners. This reduces cost and complexity while improving robustness and workflows. SureDeliver is designed for easy integration with PMS vendor products.


Revenue Cycle Management System (RCM) Vendor needs an enterprise grade solution and a turnkey ACA compliant connectivity and security gateway for conducting ACA compliant transactions with trading partners.

SureDeliver provides a secure and robust backend gateway that can be used by RCM vendors for supporting ACA compliant connections with your trading partners. This reduces cost and complexity while improving robustness and workflows. SureDeliver is designed for easy integration with RCM vendor products.


Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) System Vendor or a Healthcare Provider implementing an EHR needs an enterprise grade solution and a turnkey Meaningful Use Stage 2 compliant connectivity and security gateway for conducting compliant transactions with trading partners.

SureDeliver provides a secure and robust backend gateway that can be used by EHR vendors for supporting MU-2 compliant connections with your trading partners. This reduces cost and complexity while improving robustness and workflows. SureDeliver is designed for easy integration with EHR vendor products.


Healthcare Provider or Health Information Handler (HIH) have a need to submit electronic medical documents to Medicare or to a commercial plan using the CMS' esMD standards.

SureDeliver has an out-of-the-box mature, highly robust and secure implementation of CMS esMD profiles.


Healthcare Provider has a need to perform public health reporting to the State Department of Health or to CDC, or send Electronic Lab Orders and receive Lab Results to/from a Public Health Lab. Lab may have a need for reporting notifiable disease conditions to State Department of Health.

SureDeliver has an out-of-the-box mature, highly robust and secure implementation of CDC PHIN standards and is fully interoperable with CDC's PHINMS as well as ONC DIRECT which is a standard that is being used by some of the newer public health programs.


Pharmacy Point of Care Vendor, Health Plan, Processor or Pharmacy Benefits Manager vendors have a need for supporting pharmacy transactions such as Formulary and Benefit, or Eligibility lookups using the NCPDP Connectivity standards.

SureDeliver has an out-of-the-box mature, highly robust and secure implementation of the NCPDP Connectivity specifications for supporting both NCPDP and X12 transactions.


Healthcare Provider (e.g., Hospital) has a need to send sensitive patient information to State Health Department, using Public Health Information Network interoperability standards.

SureDeliver implements PHIN standards out-of-the-box (fully interoperates with CDC PHINMS), and can be used by the healthcare provider to send disease information, surveillance information, reports and other types of files needed by Public Health officials. SureDeliver provides high degree of security and reliability.


Organization is considering setting up a Health Information Exchange (HIE), that needs to support clinical, public health and administrative data transports (e.g., Meaningful Use Stage 2 compliance).

SureDeliver is an ideal choice for HIEs, as it supports NwHIN (Exchange and Direct), CDC PHIN and CORE Connectivity specifications. It can be used to support clinical, public health and administrative data transports.


Organization has a customer-base that uses Secure FTP (SFTP) and wants to continue using that transport protocol, but would like to provide a regulatory compliant connection. How can SureDeliver help with both?

SureDeliver has both SFTP and the regulatory compliant interoperability standards, supported with a common management and monitoring interface, making it easy to support your customer-base while onboarding trading partners who can benefit from the more advanced features (such as metadata and security) of the regulatory compliant standards.

The above list is not exhaustive. Do you have a question regarding healthcare data exchange need that is not mentioned above? If so please write to us with a description of your scenario.

SureDeliver® Generic Examples of Use

SureDeliver can be used in several configurations based on the functional requirements of the organizations where it is deployed. The following are some common usage scenarios:

Scenario Ref#

Business Need (non-healthcare)

SureDeliver® Solution


Business is currently sending paper documents or fax, and would like to replace it with a fully automated, secure and reliable file exchange.

SureDeliver implements secure and reliable file exchange protocols (e.g., SFTP, ebMS, WSRM) that can handle automated file transfers. Intuitive and robust management interface gives you the ability to manage and monitor the files exchanged.


Retail business has a need to send reports to its head office periodically (once a day), containing highly sensitive information about its daily operations.

SureDeliver automatically sends the file once a day (or any other frequency as configured) to the head office using high degree of security and reliability. SureDeliver handles any errors due to network failures and if all attempts fail, it alerts the administrators to take corrective action.


Financial organization has a need to download a batch file containing some codes from its head office periodically. This file has financial / competitive information and must be secure.

SureDeliver can be configured to automatically retrieve the file once a day from the head office using high degree of security and reliability. SureDeliver handles any errors due to network failures and if all attempts fail, it alerts the administrators to take corrective action.


Manufacturing conglomerate has many locations and they all need to have a copy of the same supplier information for their day to day operations, and this is highly sensitive information.

SureDeliver hub can be used to distribute the same file to multiple sites in a secure and reliable manner, so every office is working off of the same file.


Product distributor wants to send a file to its sales partner(s) by email but wants the file to be encrypted such that only its partner can read it.

SureDeliver comes with out-of-the-box support for encrypted email, hence can be used to support this usage.


Application vendor has an MIS product that generates many reports. Its customers need these reports sent to a remote location in a highly secure and reliable manner.

Application vendor enhances its applicaiton with SureDeliver for its report transfers. The combined solution allows this vendor to offer its application to new customers who require high security.

If your scenario is similar to any of the above, write to us with specific reference to the scenario.